Vervolg Byron Bay

3 september 2009 - Byron Bay, Australië

Been here for a while now and it's starting to grow on me. Exchange my german roommate for a dude from Sydney. This morning I went snorkling with the trutles at Julia island, awesome.

They take you there in a RIB (ridgit inflatable boat) sporting twin fourstroke outboards, which in time were sporting 100 horsepower each. That already was quite the experience. First they drive you in a truck btw. I talk to my fellow snorklers and divers. Me "so do you diver look down on us snorklers?" them "naah we look up to you", me "have you ever been bitten by a shark", them "naah, they prefer snorklers, there's not as much metal" :D.

So me and the other only other snorkler get to go overboard first (while the divers undoubtely mock us, the moment we do :P). It's crazy, you look down and it's like you've been dumped INTO the Sydney aquirium! I see fishy's everywhere! Those fish that can blow themselves up and have spikes are everywhere. But that's not all.. I see three HUGE rays! Little further I see a sea turtle just chillin about. I dive down and come within inches of touching it. Then I see a frickin huge Wobbegong (flat shark, with spots and without teeth)! So I swim around those creatues for about an hour, diving down at times (couldn't go that deep because of the pressure on my ears). At the very end I all of a sudden see a huge shark just sitting on the bottom! Strange enough I wasn't scared... you know that they won't put you out somewhere where you'll get killed and the shark seemed to be minding it's own business.

So that was great, definitely will get my diving certificate later on. It would be cool to be able to to dive to the bottom and stay under for longer.

The rest of the day I run around town, talking to the people in the shops and just enjoying the nice weather. Did some shopping too. Got new (quite ridiculous, yet cool) sun glasses. And three new T-shirts (I wanted only one, but could get two extra for only 10 pounds!! wow...). So now I have a black shirt that says "you have the right to remain silent.... so please shut up!".

Go runnin across the beach at sundown (which is at 6pm, becuase it's WINTER). At the end it was almost dark and I had a insightful experience (or well, I thought so). I was running right next to the water, because that's where the sand is wet and you don't sink in as far. Then I realized how great that moment was. Like you're always thinking about what is wrong with reality and your life (seems to be an inate tendency of thought). But that stopped for a moment and I noticed that I was effortless propelling my body across the sands of a beautiful beach well looking at the sun going under behind the mountains. That's when the running itself really did become effortless, like it just happens, like you're not doing it yourself (which the Buddhist would argue, you are, in fact, not). But wait! There's more :P I could notice that every time a wave would come in, I would evade it and alter my running technique as to keep my shorts from getting wet (so I wouldn't have to clean them). But then I thought, fuck my shorts man :P So I just kept running no matter what kind of wave came in. Soon I was running through the warm, yet refreshing water, with the aforementioned scenery still and it was amazing... so I ended up running an extra kilometer like that, because it was so effortless.

So yeah, as cliché as it is, that is a good analogy for life. A lot of times we're (or at least I am) worrying about our shorts getting wet, while if we'd just forget about that for a moment we'd discover something like a fantastic running experience right underneath our noses. Cuz honestly if you're worrying about your shorts and about how far you still have to run, that's when you have to put in a ton of effort and it becomes similar to torturing yourself. It's not the physical movement that is torturing you, it is the thought-process.

Because I have to be social here, or completely lonely, I've noticed something similar there. If you're worrying about wether people will like you, that's when everything takes a ton of effort, you have to think about million things to keep everyeone happy and even then they never are all happy. Because let's face it, not everyone is gonna like you, nor are they ALL gonna always be happy, no matter what you do. So I say fuck my shorts and fuck whether everyone likes me.

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8 Reacties

  1. Nina:
    3 september 2009
    Wauw!! Die snorkel-experience klinkt echt SUPER gaaf!! Dat maakt dat ik ook snel brevet wil halen :D Ga jij dat nu ergens in Australie doen denk je? Dat rennen kan ik me inderdaad ook helemaal voorstellen!

    Mja emotioneel.. Maar ben er ook wel weer klaar mee geloof ik. Gelukkig blijft Lotte dichtbij.
    Nieuw avontuur ja! Realiseerde me wel ineens dat ik echt helemaal niet meer in Adam woon dan, waar al mn matties wonen en dat ik wsl ook geen tijd heb om daar steeds heen te gaan.. :( Ah well..
    Kreeg net bericht van papa dat ie met 8 knopen, wind ruim achter naar het zuiden racet. (Je blog is een beetje een intra-familie-net ook, dus dat roep ik ook nog maar even.)
    Kus! Nina
  2. Nina:
    3 september 2009
    some religious truths:

    Shit happens.

    If shit happens, it isn't really shit.

    This shit has happened before.

    If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.

    Shit happens because you deserve it.

    Let shit happen to somebody else.

    Why does shit always happen to us?
  3. Marten:
    3 september 2009
    "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby

    The snorkeling experience sounds amazing! So are you going to pick up some surfing as well? I went waveriding here in the Netherlands yesterday, it was pretty fun on one of those oldschool longboards :) Must be 100x more awesome in surf country Oz!
  4. Rogier:
    4 september 2009
    Nina: weet je dan al waar je gaat wonen hierna? Ja die echt goede vrienden blijf je nog wel zien hoor.

    Marten: ja waarschijnlijk in Surfer's Paradise (zo heet dat plaatsje echt!) ga ik surfen leren. En duiken in Cairns, daar is het lekker warm.
  5. Nina:
    4 september 2009
    Wat vet allemaal! :)

    Ik wil in Scheveningen wonen dichtbij het strand. :D Nou ja, eerst een baan. En dan maar zien of ik dat kan regelen van een ongetwijfeld laag inkomen..
  6. Rogier:
    5 september 2009
    Goed quotes trouwens allebei.

    Nina: dat zou wel vet zijn, is echt je 'droom' werkelijkheid geworden!
  7. Aafke:
    5 september 2009
    Hee, lieve Rogier,
    Wat een prachtige ervaringen allemaal, zeg! Echt vet! Dat snorkelen klinkt echt fantastisch en die ervaring tijdens het rennen langs het strand ook! Volgens mij gebeuren dat soort dingen vaker aan de rand van het water. Ik heb ook wel eens zoiets gehad gewoon aan de waterkant in Kortenhoef. En je beschrijft het ook zo mooi met die shorts getting wet en dat je dat dan niks meer kan schelen. En het rennen helpt waarschijnlijk ook wel om je zo te gaan voelen als je beschrijft.
    Stuur eens wat foto's van jezelf in nieuwe kleren, ik wil wel eens zien hoe cool je eruit ziet!
    En wat leuk zijn die godsdienstwaarheden van Nina!
    Papa stuurde net een SMS dat ze de Ierse kust verlaten hebben op weg naar de Scilly Islands. Ze racen echt over die Ierse Zee, is vast wel genieten!
    Hier is Hobie kwijt, vanochtend was ze er niet, hoop dat ze weer snel terugkomt. En het is vandaag Gondelvaart, dus het hele dorp staat op z'n kop.
    Veel leifs van je mama
  8. Rogier:
    8 september 2009
    Bedankt voor je reactie mam :) Ik heb wat foto's gepost. Gelukkig is Hobie weer gevonden. J jammer dat ik de gondelvaart mis nu :(

    Ik zit hier nu wat te chillen in een internet café. Mijn verhalen klinken misschien soms wat fantastisch, maar een groot deel van de tijd zit ik gewoon wat te lezen in de zon, of verken in wandelend de stad.