Last days in KL

15 december 2009 - Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië

I cannot sleep the whole night, till I fall asleep at 8am and the I wake up at 4pm, this does not help my jet lag obviously. During the day I go to my favorite mall: KLCC! It's right below the Petronas Towers. I watch another cheap (2 euro) movie (Storm Warriors, which is a GREAT Chinese film). I go out that night to the going out district. First club I see; things don't really look right. There's a ton of horrible looking middle age Wersterners all getting massive attention from Asian women. At that point I'm like; either this place is crawling with hookers, or I'm not the only one with skills here :P It turned out to be the former. Clubs in Kuala Lumpur are places to pick up prostitutes apparently and I couldn't find any normal ones, so I then left. Oh the place is also filled to the brin with 'ladyboys'....

That night I can't sleep again (some dude was snoring like crazy, to the point where I went to wake him up to tell him this). Since I don't want to wake up at 4pm again, I get out of bed at 8am and go to work out. Surprisingly I don't feel tired all day, I blame this on the meditation I did during the night while I couldn't sleep, which is almost as good as sleeping. That evening, while I'm sitting on my hostel bed typing, I suddenly smell a very delightful smell. I look and see it is eminating from the girl who just climbed one the bed next to me. I had a very nice and quite long conversation with her (after I commented on her delightful smell ;)). I talk to a lot of people at this particular hostel, but I espcially liked this conversation (girl). I went out to dinner with her and her friends. They all... love me, naturally :P I also love them, so it's all good. After dinner they take me to try the durian fruit. Everyone knows how bad they smell, but no one ever mentions the taste, so I assumed it wasn't as bad, but I shit you not, when I say that it is a million times worse! Not just the taste, but the texture, it's like eating rotten egg slime! :S My new friends all laugh at my horrid discovery (which they knew was gonna happen).

Go to sleep at 11:00 and this time I do fall asleep. Get up at 3:30am, to ctach my plane to Chiang Mai. Sleep on the plane, there's a dude waiting for me at the airport who takes me to my bus, I sleep in that for 3 hours and then I'm at the monastry.
