
3 januari 2010

Three days ago 'I' found out that all feelings are impemanent, you cannot stay either happy nor unhappy, even if you wanted to.

Two days ago 'I' found out that I'm like a light shining on a waterfall, where the ellumated water has come to think it has permanent existence.

Yesterday 'I' came to know the virtue of patience, as together with insight, it is our only defence against the eternal running after ideals.

Today 'I' found out that 'I' will not be able to stop myself from coming up with a new insight to improve myself tomorrow.

This... is Dhukka; to eternally attempt to fix, that which is not broken.


1 Reactie

  1. Rogier:
    4 januari 2010
    Like the tale tells.. I did indeed come up with a new insight today. Or well the Aboot of the Monastry did while I went to talk to him. I mentioned the importance of patience to see his reaction: "yes, yes! very important!" he proceeded to explain why... and then "but the Buddha say; patience is not enough, also; effort!". This together with his emphasis on compassion, made a big impression on me, mainly because you can see that he lives these principles.